Lasanha Assassina

I worked as a concept artist in the Lasanha Assassina movie (Killer Lasagna), a comedic horror animated film directed by Ale McHaddo for 44 Toons. I did some character design work but most of my contribution was doing environments.

The story shows a family moving into a house haunted by a killer lasagna.

First painted version of the house

First painted version of the house

Final version of the house

Final version of the house

Final version of the house and the land around it

Final version of the house and the land around it

The kitchen

The kitchen

The kitchen after the monster attack

The kitchen after the monster attack

The hallway

The hallway

The protagonist room

The protagonist room

The protagonist room after the monster attack

The protagonist room after the monster attack

The parents room

The parents room

The dining room transformed into a cantina

The dining room transformed into a cantina

One of the supporting characters house

One of the supporting characters house

One of the supporting characters house

One of the supporting characters house

Map of the street

Map of the street

Key shot of the street

Key shot of the street